A downloadable game

This prototype showcases a basic representation of the classes in the game. The goal was to have both classes be viable and unique in some way, whether in how they deal with the environment or how they deal with combat. 

Game Loop: Traversal and basic combat



- Higher speed and jump height, but low health and damage 

- Ability to double jump

- Access to a "Dash" move, which propels the character forwards quickly and phases through enemies.


- Low speed and small jump, but high health and damage

- Ability to break destructible walls

- Access to a "Slam" attack, which damages all enemies around you, breaks floors, and breaks shields. 


Is it representative of the core loop you wanted?: Yes, I think that I was able to represent the core loop that I wanted to. 

Did it give you an answer to the question you posed, and if so, what is the answer?: I was able to get an answer from the playtest in class. The characters did seem to feel distinctly different despite the low number of "skills" available to use. Furthermore, it did not seem like one class felt significantly better. 

How would you change it, if at all?: As the prototype stands now, it seems more like a platformer than a metroidvania. While this isn't bad, I would like to see if I could take it more in the metroidvania direction by adding more skills and making the levels have more emphasis on exploration rather than simply getting from point A to point B. 

Where would you take the idea next?: I think that adding more skills, and possibly another class, would be where I would take the idea next. To me, the least successful part was the fact that the genre of the game did not match my original intent. Though there are interesting ways to take the game in the direction it seems to be going now, I would like to try and make it more metroidvania-esque, which would be easier to do with more skills/means of exploration/unlockables. 


FinalDemoBuild.zip 29 MB

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