A downloadable game for Windows


A point-and-click mystery visual novel, inspired by the Phoenix Wright series. 

Assume the role of Palmer Dae, a cop-turned-private-detective, in this point-and-click mystery filled with charming characters and gripping mysteries. 

Investigate scenes, talk to witnesses, and connect notes in order to piece together the clues and eventually solve the mystery. 

(Currently only includes up to Chapter 1, Part 2)

Gameplay Loops:

- Investigate the components of each room to find evidence and record notes

- Talk to and present evidence to various characters in order to gather more clues

- Connect notes in your notebook to update evidence, find new lines of questioning, and progress the story


- Left click for all interactions. 

- Dialogue/Comics can be progressed by either left click or pressing the spacebar. 

- Game works off of a chapter based system. Game will not save in the middle of a section, and each following section must be unlocked by completing the previous section. 

Prototyping Process Journal: https://adriankum.itch.io/capstone-process-journal 

Created in Game Capstone II at the University of Denver

Published 22 days ago
AuthorAdrian K
GenreInteractive Fiction


CapstoneFinalBuildJune7.zip 53 MB

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