A downloadable Concept

Explore a quaint farming village in this atmospheric farming adventure, collecting various flora and fauna, in order to uncover the curse that plagues the people living here. 

Comparable Games: Dredge, Stardew Valley, Don't Starve

Gameplay Loops: 

- Farm

1. Discover/purchase new plants or animals to cultivate

2. Raise the plants/animals on your own farm/in your lab

3. Sell products in order to gain money

4. Repeat

- Explore

1. Explore the surrounding lands in order to find new flora/fauna to bring back and investigate further

2. Control your sanity, and avoid monsters/hazards that lurk outside of the town

3. Return home to log/store your new discoveries. 

4. Repeat

- Converse

1. Talk with townspeople to learn information, or build relationships

2. Learn who you decide to trust/believe, or who to be wary of. 

3. Repeat

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